
Monday, April 2, 2012

v i n t a g e    l a u n d r y    c a r t s

My good friend Molly lent me her vintage laundry cart to use as a display for the store. So many people want to buy this thing when they come into the store. When I tell them how much she paid for it and where they can find one people are often shocked. These things range from $100-200. If you are lucky enough to find one for less you totally scored. 
{Also if you have one and want to sell it to me that would be super!}

I just bought one off of Etsy this morning. I really want three or four of these for around the shop but my budget maybe allows me to buy one a month.


Vintage Fold Up Laundry Cart with Wooden Wheels

Vintage Industrial Folding Wire Laundry Basket Shabby Black and Red

Vintage wire laundry collapsable basket.

I am pretty sure my favorite is the very first one with wheels, but the canvas cart is pretty sweet too.

I have a confession to make.
There is a house pretty close by me that has two of these in their backyard. They don't take care of them. They have been out in the rain for years and the backyard is kind of a dumping ground. I got up the nerve yesterday to ask if I could buy them {not something I would normally ever do}. I thought, what do I have to lose?!
The lady was totally offended when I asked her if she would sell them to me and I felt really bad. I was really nice though! Oh, well. I hope she takes better care of them. I think they deserve it.

Tomorrow I will be at the shop with some of the other girls moving things around, making more room. Kennesha moves in Friday!

My mom is in town {yay!} and we are heading to Ikea today and I have a doctor's appointment later this afternoon.

I promise to take pics of the shop tomorrow. Oh, and did you notice I updated Shop Modern Cottage?


  1. People are so hard to understand sometimes. Why would your neighbor be offended by you asking to BUY something from her? Golly jee.
    DId you know that House 8810 has a collapsible one of these carts for $90? I cant vouch for the quality but its been on my wishlist for months now.

  2. 99.9% of people would have been smart and nice enough to sell it to you! Keep an eye out for their garage sale!

  3. I never knew I needed one of these. I totally know now though!So cute.

  4. I have one for sale right now, but I am in AZ. Not sure how much shipping would be, but if you are interested I can look into it. :)
    It is like the second and last picture.

  5. I have one exactly like the second photo-only in perfect condition. I'm not trying to sell it though, as I think it is my favorite piece I've ever found. I was planning on retro-fitting a canvas for it. I got it from an elderly gentleman who ran an antiques shop that said they were often used in grocery stores when he was a kid. So I want to make a .50 cent enameled sign to hang from it-<3 thanks for the photos-as I've never seen another one in the 8 years since I bought it. I think I scored it for $10 or $20-sometimes being nice really does work!;) cute blog!


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